The history of swiss+cotton

swiss+cotton products are made of the finest cotton – and with over 200 years of experience

Cotton was processed in Switzerland since the beginning of the 19th century until the end of 2016. Nowadays, this traditional practice is linked with great technical expertise.

This is reflected in the significance of the swiss+cotton quality mark. It was originally launched by the Swiss Cotton Institute with the aim of creating a quality label for the finest Swiss cotton yarns and fabrics. It was intended to provide traders and consumers with a guarantee of product standards in terms of quality, manufacture, fashion and customer service.

Today this collective trade mark is owned by the Swiss Textile Federation.

swiss+cotton chronicle

The brand is launched by the Swiss Cotton Institute in partnership with Swiss Fabrics. Emblem features the cotton ball of the International Institute for Cotton (Brussels).

Own logo is developed and registered nationally and internationally as a collective brand; licence contracts are drawn up with defined standards.

The brand is adopted by Swiss Textiles; new, more restrictive licence conditions are introduced.

To mark its 30th anniversary the brand is given a facelift, a new licence model and a new corporate design concept.

Close-down of the last cotton spinning mill in Switzerland, Hermann Bühler AG.
